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Most possessive lovers of Bollywood

Well, the Bollywood celebrities also have their love lives, and where you have a sexy, hot and a good looking partner you have to be possessive. We know that Bollywood is just too open-minded, but we do have celebrities who are very possessive about their partners. Lets have a look at the possessive lovers of B-town.

TWINKLE KHANNA AND AKSHAY KUMAR: Flying rumours about “Priyanka Chopra” and Twinkle’s husband “Akshay Kumar” after “Aitraaz” just got on Twinkle’s nerves and warned the husband to cut down on working with “Piggy Chops”.

SALMAN KHAN : “Sallu Bhai”, aren’t we aware that “Salman Khan” being possesive is known by every directors and actors and everybody would want to maintain a 100 meter gap from his lady love

RANBIR AND KATRINA :Our sexy lady Katrina is very possesive about her chocolate boyfriend “Ranbir Kapoor”, the tabloids say that Katrina was shot visiting the sets of “Tamasha” an upcoming movie of “Ranbir” and “Deepika”, to see if the exes get along really well, or if they get close to each other on the sets after the shoot. Katrina “Deepika” was Ranbir’s ex, and you are his girlfriend, do you still need to visit the sets to keep an eye on your love? ( YOU MAY ALSO LIKE : ODD REAL LIFE COUPLES THAT PROVE LOVE IS BLIND )

RANVEER SINGH AND DEEPIKA PADUKONE: An actor with the typical “Cool Type” attitude is so possesive about his girl “Deepika Padukone”. Though he never admits, but come on Ranveer we have an idea that why do keep visiting Deepika’s shooting sets, just to say its a surprise, but eternally its the possessiveness that gets you there.

Most possessive lovers of Bollywood Most possessive lovers of Bollywood Reviewed by Bollyfreak on 12:42 PM Rating: 5

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