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Top Bollywood Movies We Feel The Need To Be Remade In Hollywood!

It's a general trend in Bollywood to buy the official copyrights of hollywood movies and reproduce them in bollywood.
These movies have done superbly well in Hollywood but fail to leave a mark in Bollywood but yet manage to score well on earnings.

Here we bring to you some amazingly written and produced indigenous movies that left a mark in each and every heart and stand out from every other movie in terms of script, dialogues and the performance.
Have a dekho at Bollywood movies that stand a chance to be reproduced in hollywood and will definitely entice the audience.

1. Swades

2. Kahani

3. Sholay

4. 3 Idiots

5. Lunchbox

6. Iqbal

7. Lakshya

Top Bollywood Movies We Feel The Need To Be Remade In Hollywood! Top Bollywood Movies We Feel The Need To Be Remade In Hollywood! Reviewed by Bollyfreak on 3:18 AM Rating: 5

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