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When it took several hours for Katrina and Aditya to get intimate


When a while back, news flew in about the steamy liplock Fitoor co-stars- Katrina and Aditya shared, all were just guessing about their chemistry. But turns out it isn’t just one liplock in the Kashmiri valley. There’s more to come in this Abhishek Kapoor directorial.
For Indian adaptation of Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, the two have a lot many intimate moments to shoot for. Shooting at film city for a steamy scene last week, it took Aditya and Katrina several hours to get the scene right. Before the shot, they practiced for almost four hours. And then it took eight more, to film it properly.
A source revealed in a report published in Mumbai Mirror, "By the end of the day, they were frazzled. And this is certainly not the end of their schedule as there will be a lot more passionate kissing in the days to come".
We are pretty sure that Kat-ARK fans are ardently waiting to see how well their chemistry works, on the silver screen.

When it took several hours for Katrina and Aditya to get intimate When it took several hours for Katrina and Aditya to get intimate Reviewed by Bollyfreak on 1:05 PM Rating: 5

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