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Aamir Khan tweets his love for Sunny Leone


Bollywood perfectionist Aamir Khan has crushed the hopes of millions of his twitter followers who are wishing to get one reply from the 'Dangal' actor.

Aamir broke millions of hearts when he replied to celebrity photographer Avinash Gowariker's question as to what should one do to get a reply from Aamir, to which the actor replied, "@avigowariker Either look like Sunny Leone, or ask stupid questions like this one!!!"

The conversation initiated after Sunny Leone complimented Aamir for his 'hot' looks in an advertisement even though he has put on weight for his upcoming film. 
Sunny Leone tweeted :

On reading this tweet, an overwhelmed Khan replied, "Thank you @SunnyLeone, you are too kind. Love. a."

Have a Dekho at what Aamir Khan tweeted:

When Avinash noticed the conversation between the two, he put up a tweet asking, "@aamir_khan What qualification do we need to have to deserve a response from you on Twitter??!! @SunnyLeone."
That is when the witty star replied saying you need to either look like Sunny Leone or ask stupid questions like the one he did, only then you shall get a response.
Haha.. now that looking like Ms. Leone is impossible, we guess the fans will choose the easier way to get an answer from you Aamir!

source: twitter
Aamir Khan tweets his love for Sunny Leone Aamir Khan tweets his love for Sunny Leone Reviewed by Bollyfreak on 7:20 AM Rating: 5

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